Book Appointment for Consultation

We offer various consultation options to cater to your needs:

  1. Phone Call Consultation
    • Duration: 30 minutes
    • Fee: Kshs. 5,000
    • Description: Discuss your queries and concerns over a scheduled phone call consultation. Ideal for quick inquiries or focused discussions.
  2. Online Video Consultation
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Fee: Kshs. 10,000
    • Description: Book an online video consultation for a comprehensive discussion. This option allows for a detailed conversation via video conferencing tools.
  3. Physical Meeting
    • Duration: 1 hour
    • Fee: Kshs. 10,000
    • Description: Schedule a face-to-face meeting for an in-depth consultation at our location. Perfect for detailed discussions and personalized advice.

Please book your appointment by filling the form below. Once your appointment is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email with further details.

    We value your time and aim to provide you with valuable insights and guidance during our consultation sessions. Feel free to reach out if you have any specific requirements or questions before booking. We look forward to assisting you and providing the support you need.